The Veneto by bicycleVenetian Villas
Villa Recanati Zucconi at Fiesso d`Artico (VE)
  Villa Lazara Pisani, la Barbariga - Villa Soranzo - Villa Pisani, la Nazionale - Villa Cappello - Villa Foscarini-Rossi Flag

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Map of the villa and surroundings

Fiesso d'Artico, altitude 8 m/26 feet above sea level. Train station at Vigonza-Pianiga, 4 km/2.5 miles to the north on the Venezia-Padova line. The villa is located along the Riviera del Brenta on the far side from the Riviera del Brenta bike route. Although within Fiesso d'Artico it is only a few hundred meters from Villa Pisani which is located within Stra.

This villa appears to date to the beginning of the seventeenth century and to have been restored at the end of the same century. It is perhaps the most Baroque of all of the villas along the Riviera with its pinnacles at the roof and the oval windows at the ground floor. Also typical is the way the central hall projects out from the interior.

The villa faces onto state road SS 11, the Padana Superiore, and is surrounded by a large park.

At this time (2012) the villa is used as a private residence; it is not open to visits and therefore can be viewed only from the outside.

Latest visit: 2012-07-07

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