Bicycle routesMapVeneto by bicycle
Altimetry, map, time table - 44 km - Flag

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Description of the route

By following this route one can go from Vicenza to Padova by bike, more or less following the course of the Bacchiglione River, to a large degree on a dedicated bike path, although often with unpaved sections. Some segments, as this first one from Vicenza to Longare, have existed for many years; other sections have been constructed more recently.

Point of departure is the train station at Vicenza, on the Milano-Venezia line; after leaving the station it is well worth it to ride down Viale Roma to visit the historic center, in particular Piazza dei Signori with its famous Basilica [so-called - it’s not a religious building. RB], a project by Palladio.

Other than that, leave the train station and head right as far as the Arco delle Scalette [arch of the stairs], next to which, on the left, is the beginning of the bike route for Longare. One passes below Villa Valmarana ai Nani, and where the bike path splays off from the Riviera Berica one passes below the Villa la Rotonda also by Palladio.

Once arrived in Longare head left descending as far as the rotary [roundabout for Brits], crossing the bridge over the Bacchiglione. Once across, immediately on the right the next segment of bike path begins with a gravel tread, but generally very bikeable, arriving finally in Montegalda; crossing once more over the Bacchiglione, just before Piazza Marconi, dominated by Villa Gualdo, one will find a new segment of bike path just barely finished, which follows along the river, crosses it again by way of a bike/pedestrian bridge, and continues to Selvazzano Dentro, a suburb of Padova.

Cross Via dei Colli and you will find a segment of bike path along the river, really crowded with pedestrians on Sundays, which ends by returning onto Via dei Colli which takes one to the center of Padova, along a bike lane, as far as the train station.

Latest visit 2017:02:19
