Bicycle routesMapVenezia by bicycle
Bike route from Venice
Altimetry, map, time table - 7 km - Flag

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Detailed directions about the route can be obtained from the altimetry (last figure of the gallery), from the captions of the individual photos and from the "Google Map" at the bottom right, which can be enlarged as desired. Double clicking on the photos you can view them at the highest resolution.

Description of the route

This bike route, completed in September 2017, allows you to reach the mainland from Venice or the Lido almost entirely along dedicated bike paths and lanes, and therefore in relative safety. The dedicated bike path starts at the intersection of the road to the Tronchetto and ends at the underpass of the Porto Marghera train station, which is also the location of Vega (Venice Gateway for Science and Technology). From Vega you can continue to Mestre on this route, for Marghera on this route.

The beginning of the bike route can be reached in two ways:

  1. From the dock of the ferry boat from the Lido, which allows bringing bikes on board, and which provides service every 50 minutes: follow the only road on the Tronchetto to the bridge over the canal, Ponte Peppino Impastato, and then continue to the rotary at the entrance to the Maritime Station; when exiting the rotary be careful to avoid the first section of road that goes under the trans-lagoon bridge and that would take you onto the north side of the bridge, which does not have a bike path; instead take the next exit which ramps up to the trans-lagoon bridge, to the intersection described above.
  2. Leaving from Piazzale Roma is difficult for the cyclist; concrete barriers erected during the 2017 film festival, as protection against terrorists, have reduced the width of the remaining street into a trench in which the cyclist must pass between streetcars, buses and cars; if one wants a more peaceful alternative, the better option is to walk your bike along the sidewalk; after 500 m/.3 mile cross the SR 11 using the crosswalk, and a bit further along, you will find an intersection with the ramped street coming up from the Tronchetto, that has walk lights. There is a gap in the brick railing wall that marks the entrance to the suspended catwalk, which is the beginning of the bike path.

From here the route follows in reverse that of the bike route from Vega to Venice.

Latest visit 2018:10:19
