Bicycle routesMapVenezia by bicycle
San Donà - Jesolo
Altimetry, map, time table - 42 kmThe Sile towpath: Venezia – Quarto d'Altino – Treviso - Flag

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Detailed directions about the route can be obtained from the altimetry (last figure of the gallery), from the captions of the individual photos and from the "Google Map" at the bottom right, which can be enlarged as desired. Double clicking on the photos you can view them at the highest resolution.

Description of the route

This route follows along the Piave Vecchio [old Piave River] (or in the Veneta dialect, La Piave Vecchia) from San Donà to Caposile, then along a new bike path along the lagoon as far as Jesolo.

Point of departure is the FS train station at San Donà di Piave; upon leaving the station head south towards the large bridge over the Piave, which here separates the town of San Donà from that of Musile di Piave. Once across the bridge turn to go under it and then climb up to the riverbank, which here is rather narrow and is shared with traffic. In other words, proceed with caution.

This segment ends at the bridge over the Piave Vecchio, which at this point breaks off from the new alignment of the Piave River. To continue to Caposile, there are two possibilities:

  1. unpaved bike path: turn right just before the bridge and immediately after get on the unpaved bike path that runs along the right bank of the Piave Vecchio as far as Caposile where you pass under the main road;
  2. paved road with very little traffic: turn right immediately after the bridge and take the road to Chiesanuova, which follows along the left bank of the Piave Vecchio as far as Caposile, where you get onto the main road.

At Caposile descend down to the pontoon bridge which takes one into the locality of Salsi. Here again there are two possibilities:

  1. unpaved bike path: turn right after the bridge and shortly after a small pull-off with an information kiosk allows you to descend onto the new GiraLaguna [lagoon route] bike path as far as Jesolo; unfortunately there is no view of the lagoon, only a lookout tower along the way;
  2. paved road with not much traffic: turn left and follow the local road which takes you near Santa Maria del Piave all the way to Jesolo.

Coming back requires using the same route, allowing the possibility of trying the alternative segments.

The GPS trace shows options 2 - 1 for going down and the other two options for the return.

From Jesolo one can continue to Jesolo Lido, one of the best known of the Venice beaches; or else to Cavallino and Punta Sabbioni, where one can catch the ferry for Venezia Tronchetto (although that runs only in the summer), or one could also take one’s bike on the ferry to the Lido.

Latest visit 2017:01:29
